The Q-VCA II module is a versatile, dynamic and high quality quad VCA.
After 7 years, relevant feedback from Q-VCA users led to the MK II version.
The classic features are
● 100% Analog path.
● Toggle switch to select exponentially or linearly curve control.
● All inputs, control & outputs are DC-coupled and beyond audio.
● Inputs chaining to multiple VCA .
● Toggle switch to select gain 0,5X or 1X of the MIX Out.
In addition to VCA control by CV, 4 unique modes are available
1. Manually via the potentiometer.
2. By a programmable MIDI controller (CC).
3. Use with the MATRIX II – Requires a crossing between VCA and
potentiometer values to avoid level jumps.
4. Use with the MATRIX II – Turn the potentiometer and the VCA are
updated directly.
Ecosystem with MATRIX II
● Add 4 mixable sources to each of its 15 inputs.
● Add 4 mixable destinations to each of its 16 outputs.
● And to share the management of its banks and presets.
Technical details
● Full analog signal path from In to Out.
● High quality VCA type AS3360
● Polarised power header and protection against reverse polarity.
● Delivery with a DIN5 to Jack MIDI + Jack to Jack MIDI cables.
● Eurorack 10 HP wide.