Online Privacy Policy
Alyseum is a trademark of BUWI s.c.s - 23-202 rue des Poètes - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve - Belgium.
VAT & EORI number: BE0839 466 704 - BEREXBE0839466704
ALYSEUM understands and values your need for online privacy and knows that privacy is an important issue for you as well. That's why we do our best to respect your privacy when you use this website.
Collection and use of personal data
The only personal data collected is via the electronic forms you are asked to fill in when ordering a product or service, subscribe to our newsletter, request information or take part in a survey or competition.
This data is used to provide you with the service or information that you requested, to improve service quality and to inform you about Alyseum products, services and special offers.
If you do not want to receive information about Alyseum products, please send us an email.
You have the right to consult and, if necessary, rectify your personal data. To do so, please send us an email. If your personal data needs to be changed, we invite you to submit your change request via email. We will amend your data as soon as possible based on your request and the information you provide us.
The databases in which your data is stored are protected against unauthorized access.
Third parties acting on Alyseum’s behalf may be given access to Alyseum's files.
Such third parties only have access to this data on a need-to-know basis to enable them to complete their assignments for Alyseum.
Otherwise the collected data is not disclosed to third parties unless explicitly specified or the communication of your data is required by law.
Cookies are not used on this website (cookies free).
However, we have no control over the use of cookies by external parties.
A cookie is a file that is sent from the website server to your computer’s hard drive when you consult the website.
The code contained in the cookie makes it possible to identify your PC the next time you visit the site.
Anyway, if you do not want to accept any cookies, you can reject them via your browser settings.
This website may contain hyperlinks to websites which are not managed by Alyseum. Such hyperlinks are provided purely for information. When consulting such websites, we recommend that you carefully read their privacy policy.
Alyseum cannot be held liable for the policy or practices of the managers of such websites.