Price without VAT & taxes
Important - Wichtig - Importanti - belangrijk - Ważne – Σημαντικό
Only SELECTOR modules with a serial number equal or greater than 031-xxx are fitted with an extension connector.
If you already own a module with a serial number lower than 031-xxx, please order the HOLD module containing the hardware upgrade kit for your SELECTOR module.
This kit is sold at cost and can only be obtained with the purchase of the HOLD module.
Price without VAT & taxes
HOLD is an optional SELECTOR module's companion which adds 2 features
● 8 digital addressed outputs, selectable between Trigger or Gate.
● 1 CV input to 8 analog addressed outputs, selectable between S&H or T&H.
The 8 digital and 8 analogue outputs are synchronized with the SELECTOR I/O.
Modes and features of the SELECTOR module are fully preserved when the HOLD module is added!
Technical Details
● Power and data is connected to the SELECTOR module by a single 8
contacts polarized ribbon cable.
● Eurorack 6 HP wide.
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