Thank you for making beautifully unusual modules! - D. Gibbs
Important - Wichtig - Importanti - belangrijk - Ważne – Σημαντικό
EXTRACTOR is a module for musicians/technicians who are looking for new ways to generate sound.
EXTRACTOR is mainly an experimental/utility module, and I've made an limited serie.
So, it is sold as is, without support, assistance and video.
If EXTRACTOR is a success, two other experimental/utility modules could be on the way.
Price without VAT & taxes
The general idea of the EXTRACTOR module is to activate one or more of its eight digital outputs depending on:
● The voltage of the CV input signal.
● Or sequentially by a CLK+RST.
● Or both for a Sample&Hold.
The activation time of the 8 digital outputs can be set to a Trigger or a variable/infinite length Gate.
EXTRACTOR can be controlled by 8 different MODEs, 4 of wich are duplicated according to the wiring:
1 Dot loop (CLK) or Dot Down/Up (CV)
2 Bargraph loop (CLK) or Bargraph Down/Up (CV)
3 Dot loop inverted (CLK) or Dot inverted (CV)
4 Bargraph loop inverted (CLK) or Bargraph inverted (CV)
5 Pendulum
6 Dot Random
7 Multiple Random
8 S&H (CV + RST)
Technical details
● Green LEDs for each digital output.
● Two red LEDs for the high and low limits
● Trigger or Gate duration adjustable between 0,1 and 5 Seconds.
● Offset adjustement for the CV control.
● Polarised power header and protection against reverse polarity.
● Eurorack 6 HP wide.
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